Category: Life

The Final Countdown… Not.

Getting excited for a non-event, hooray! Time and Date have been nice enough to develop a quaint countdown. Especially humorous is the demo button which shows what will happen in the last three seconds; the screen shakes, whirls and then a fake 503 error (connection lost) pops up.  Naughty… I love it!



Jeff Buckley – Hallelujah. Music has a strange effect on me in that it can evoke an emotional response with greater ease than anything else. This song is one of the few that can actually get under my skin. I suppose for me, it’s because I can relate many aspects of the song to myself […]


Guild Wars 2!

I’ve been really busy building my guild website for Sweet Disposition, pouring crazy hours going into it. The things we do for love!


Work in progress!

Hello lovely (and not so lovely) denizens of the internet, I’m planning, organising and building this site at the moment.   Stay tuned!
